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Airplane Mode

Airplane mode is a setting on cell phones, smartphones and other mobile devices that prevents the device from sending or receiving calls and text messages. Airplane mode is also known as offline mode, standalone mode and flight mode.


It is interesting that some of us: the most devote, church-going. water-baptized, filled with the Holy Ghost Christians find ourselves in airplane mode when it comes to our faith and our walk with Christ. Perhaps, there is something in our lives or in the lives of the people closest to us that is preventing us from sending or receiving clear calls, messages and responses from Christ.

As Christians, our responsibility, in essence, is to strive every day to be more Christ-like. Perhaps I am alone when I say that my 24 years of a more Christ-like journey has not mirrored perfection. I am certainly no perfect woman, daughter, grand-daughter, employee, friend, girlfriend or Christian. Sometimes I forget to check my spirit, sometimes I fall asleep before saying my prayers, sometimes I catch myself giving-in to my flesh and the spirit of comparison, sometimes I am extra emotional, I forget to text my friends back, get easily offended and even get selfish.

Do you ever find yourself having one of those deep—it’s been too long since we caught up conversations on FaceTime—because let’s be honest, Apple has spoiled us and what better way is there to catch-up with someone than face to face from the comfort of your individual homes? And then just as the conversation gets juicy, you encounter the dreaded screen-freeze and the “Poor Connection” message comes across the screen. Or how about when your oh so faithful iMessage conversation switches from gray and blue to gray and green. Or when you leave the house late for the company meeting and make one wrong turn at a traffic circle—why me?—which turns into a ten minute series of Siri “REROUTING”. The fact of the matter is that all of these occurrences are the result of a poor connection.

No matter how hard we try to avoid these inconveniences—things happen. Christianity teaches us how to react when the inevitable happens. And beyond that, Christianity teaches us that a stronger connection to Christ helps us to turn what could be a multi-step, heart-wrenching, stressful process into a much shorter and easier-to-manage learning lesson.

This past weekend, my friend and I had a rental car for an entire weekend with no problems. Of course, when it was time for us to end the weekend and leave our relaxing resort to head to the airport, the keys for the rental car were nowhere to be found. We turned over the room, emptied our bags, called the resort staff and everyone who visited the room during our stay and when it seemed like there were no other options we called the rental car company.

Their recommendation was that we:

  1. Leave the car at the resort

  2. Pay a $200+ fee

  3. Travel to the nearest airport—not the airport that I was flying out of

  4. Have a new key made

  5. And finally, have the car towed/returned to the drop-off location

At this point, it was our only option. And even though it seemed our signal with Christ was not very clear, we decided to pray. In addition to us, there were intercessors praying on our behalf; keeping us calm— assembling angels who were shielding, protecting and looking out for us. One more final search for the keys and viola—seemingly like magic—in a mysterious way (the way the Lord works), the keys appeared in a place we had already searched!

As I reflect today, it seems to me that God was in fact crystal clear and intentional in His message to us. He showed us how challenging, heart-wrenching, stressful and potentially more expensive situations can easily turn into simple learning lessons when we make a choice to involve Him. He taught us that sometimes our signal, alone, is not strong enough but that when we are conscious about the people in our lives—the people who can serve as teachers, mentors, true friends and especially intercessors- we can even develop a stronger signal with Him through them.

Today, I ask myself what habits do I have and who am I surrounded by that may be causing me to have a poor connection with Christ? What can each of us do to strengthen our connection and how do we ensure that our steps are ordered by Christ?

How do you turn-off Airplane Mode and incline your ear to Christ? [Let us know in the comments section.]


I have love for you, but God’s love is perfect love. You were created in His image!



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